Short Stories

The door to the cabin flew open and Mary, who’d been reading the latest Di Morrissey novel, threw her book in the air with fright. ‘Oh my god I just can’t believe them, how rude.’ Emily exclaimed as she threw her laundry on the bed, her grey bob bouncing from the impact. ‘Good grief Em, […]

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Edmond saw the two boats approaching from opposite directions. His cameras were placed up and down the reach of his section of the river. He knew the upstream gate was opened so turned his attention away from the boat on his left. They would have to wait. He checked the cameras down river again, but […]

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I knew one day he would leave, but I had hoped by shoving my head in the sand, chatting about nonsensical things and keeping busy, it would be later rather than sooner. He was my first love and the father of my children, but like many couples, we had grown apart. I know that sounds […]

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I checked my watch, it was 3am. I lay atop my sleeping bag, mosquito net tucked tightly under the mattress, listening to the night noises. Was it small animals scavenging around the camp fire, or something larger and more sinister?  I could hear the waves pounding the beach, swept along by the prevailing winds. Close […]

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The plane landed on time, 6am. The hostess handed me my coat. Paris in January I knew would be cold. My woollen gloves and fur lined hat were in my bag. Charles de Gaulle Airport, frantic, people pushing and hurrying, all trying to find the exit. This was my third trip in eighteen months. I […]

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David stopped the car on the narrow dirt road. Gazing at the ancient steep sided red mountain ranges and weathered sandstone formations, thoughts of another Kimberley came to mind. But for now, he had a job to do, find diamond-bearing rock, collect sediment samples and return to Perth. He started his battered old Land Rover […]

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I woke as we landed.  I’d taken a sleeping tablet to avoid a repeat of the last time I made this flight. This time I would arrive refreshed. Charles de Gaulle Airport, definitely not Brisbane International. People, eyes turned to avoid any unwanted attention, a fusion of languages sounding like the staccato of a machine […]

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