The Expected One by Kathleen McGowan

The first in the Magdalene Line Trilogy, The Expected One begins in 72AD in the foothills of the south of France, an area known as Southern Gaul.

Mary Magdalene stares out of a cavern at the night sky. She feels the presence of those she loved and knows they are getting closer. Returning to her task at hand she picks up her stylus and continues to scratch her story on the rough parchment. She must finish tonight. Her daughter, Sarah Tamar will be here soon with the clay jars.

Two thousand years later as journalist Maureen Paschal begins her research into a new book, Mary’s hidden scrolls are set to reveal the ancient prophecy of L’Attendue — the Expected One.  Will the prophecy be fulfilled? What family secrets of the Paschal family will Maureen discover?

This story will challenge many people’s beliefs. Written as fiction, one will ask the question, how much is fiction? A story that feels right, a story that is profoundly life changing and life challenging ….

Is it a story we all knew but didn’t know we knew?

The Prophecy of the Expected One hangs over Maureen’s life. She discovers an ancient mystery, a secret for which thousands have either killed or died.

So come, turn the pages and begin. Join Maureen on this journey. Discover another story, at times stunningly illuminating, other times tragic and horrific.  Follow your destiny, have faith, know with certainty that truth can change the world.

Kathleen words are beautifully woven. They sparkle with love. They capture our spiritual being and inspire us to explore further these mysteries of life. Open your mind to new possibilities and learn ‘History is not what happened but what was written down.’


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